The story of expense.guide
More than 10 years ago I started working as a freelancer. The journey from that day to today contributed to the creation of the Expense Guide app, a personal finance management app.
Connecting the dots – 1pixel.solutions
Ten years ago I registered the 1pixelsolutions.com domain name. At that time I was planning that it will become the name of a web development agency. Well, that never happened.
The story of activity.report
The ‘itch’ this application tries to scratch comes from a personal experience. For as long as I know I have been working as a freelancer (and I am loving it). I worked on projects that lasted for weeks to projects requiring almost a year, I have been paid a fixed rate per project and worked also for hourly rates. But being a freelancer has its challenges and one of them is managing your finances because those invoices are rolling in no matter what.